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Ramsey Dau

The History of the Siege of Lisbon
24" x 24" (plus frame)
Acrylic on panel
24" x 17"
Acrylic, gold leaf and colored pencil on layered panel
The 14th book of Bokonon
24" x 24" (plus frame) Acrylic graff marker and gold leaf on panel
To the Sound of Trumpets
48" x 48" Acrylic on panel
Untitled (F)
24" x 24" (plus frame)
Acrylic, spray paint and gold leaf on panel
Untitled (White on White Collage 1)
2015 36" x 36"
Acrylic on panel

My interests lie in choosing things that are out there in the world and, after a period of exploration and gestation, presenting them in a new way, one that reflects my interest in them as objects. So the quiddity of the painting is important, as opposed to a concept it represents. All of my works are composed before they are painted, most coming directly from study collages made using imagery appropriated from print sources: art books, fashion and culture magazines, newspapers, and ephemera like ticket stubs or advertising mailers.